Do You Need a Permit to Conceal Carry a BB Gun or Airsoft Gun

For a real gun you need a permit to conceal carry. I got a nice BB gun that I wanted to take with me to my friends house. So, I did some research and thought I’d write this helpful article about whether you need a permit to conceal carry a BB gun or airsoft gun.

So, do you need a permit to conceal carry a BB gun or airsoft gun? At a federal level those who fall under certain criteria are not allowed to own a BB gun or airsoft gun. The laws for each state are different. Some have no laws, whereas others have restrictions.

The federal law applies across all States so I will describe that below, as well as, the laws for each individual state.

What is the federal law regarding concealed carry of a BB Gun or Airsoft Gun?

The following people are not allowed to carry or own a BB Gun or Airsoft gun, according to FindLaw.

  • Have been in prison for more than one year.
  • Use any controlled substance illegally because of addiction or for recreation use.
  • Have been admitted to a mental institution, or been found mental defective in a court of law.
  • Do not hold legal rights to live in the United States.
  • Were dishonorably discharged from the US Military.
  • Were a US citizen but renounced your US citizenship.
  • Have a restraining order against you from an “intimate partner”, or children of your partner or children.
  • Have been convicted of a domestic violence charge in court.
  • You are under the age of 18.

You should check with an attorney in your local area regarding this matter, to see if you can buy and use a BB gun.

Federal Laws regarding using a BB gun and airsoft gun

For the purposes of this article BB gun and airsoft gun mean the same thing. This is because the laws regarding their use are the same. US federal law says that all airsoft guns must have an orange tip. It must be no shorter than 6mm (a quarter of an inch). This is so that you can tell the difference between an airsoft gun and a real firearm. Some States allow you to remove the orange tip. This will be talked about further below. 

If a person commits a crime using an airsoft gun it will be treated the same as a person using a real firearm. 

I person must give consent to have an airsoft gun pointed at them. For airsoft clubs and events consent is implied by their participation in the event. No formal consent exchange must occur in that type of situation.

State laws have restrictions about where an airsoft can get used. You should seek legal counsel before purchasing or using an airsoft gun for the first time, if you have any doubts. Some States also have laws about transporting an airsoft gun in a transported gun.

What are the laws in each State for concealed carry of a BB or Airsoft gun?


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


California restricts the following in regards to BB guns and Airsoft Guns.

  • Must be over 18
  • Can’t use it in public
  • Can’t carry it where carrying firearms is prohibited.
  • Use it to threaten people

There are many caveats please see this article with everything you need to know from a law firm. 


Colorado expels any student found in possession of a BB or airsoft gun.


Connecticut does not allow BB gun or airsoft gun ownership. People are also banned from carrying one in their vehicle.


Delaware prohibits an airsoft of BB gun from firing anything larger than a BB bullet 0.180 inches (4.6 mm). They prohibit anyone under the age of 16 years old, as well as possessing a BB gun or airsoft gun in a designated Public School Zone or Recreation Zone.


People under the age of 16 must be supervised by an adult.

The parent is liable for the child if they use it when unsupervised.


In Georgia you must have written consent to use or carry an airsoft or BB gun on a park, recreational area, or historic site.


Hawai’i restricts electric guns such as tasers.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


Illinois treats BB guns as firearms if they are over the below characteristics:

  • Has a projective over 0.18 inches (4.6 mm). This is the standard BB pellet size.
  • Has a projectile speed of over 700 ft/s (213 m/s). This is on the high end for BB and airsoft guns.
  • You must be over 13.
  • You can’t shoot it in residential areas.
  • It is not shot in a way to harm unconsenting people. It must be shot where bystanders can not be accidentally hit. Or a person could reasonably assume people would be.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


You must be over 16.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


You must be over 18 unless accompanied by an adult or has a license from the police.


Michigan changed their law in 2015 so that BB gun and airsoft guns are considered the same as firearms. All laws which apply to firearms now apply to BB gun and airsoft guns.


You can not display a BB or airsoft gun in public in Minnesota. You must over 14 years old. 


You are not allowed to carry one into schools or other educational facilities. You have to be over 18 years old. 


You must be over 18 years old.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


You can not carry a BB gun or airsoft gun on public land, as well as schools, educational institutions and recreational areas.

New Hampshire

You are not allowed to carry them when in educational facilities. If a student is found with one they will be expelled.

New Jersey

New Jersey treats BB and airsoft guns as the same as firearms. You must obtain a permit to use, purchase, or sell a BB or airsoft gun. 

New Mexico

There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.

New York

You must be over 16.

North Carolina

If you are under 12 you need adult supervision. You can use one without adult supervision if you are over 18.

North Dakota

North Dakota treats BB and airsoft guns the same as a dangerous weapon. Any laws which apply to dangerous weapons are applied to BB and airsoft guns. For the dangerous weapons laws please see a lawyer in your jurisdiction or check out the North Dakota Legislative branch website.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


You have to have a guardian with you if you are under 18. You can not fire it on public land unless you have a firing range.

Rhode Island

There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.

South Carolina

You can’t use them in area under the jurisdiction of the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism. Unless, otherwise deemed legal by them.

South Dakota

There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.

District of Columbia

You can not carry a BB or airsoft gun outside. You can use one in shooting ranges, performances, or other designated areas. You must be over 18 or be accompanied by someone over 18.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


You can’t use it where there are lots of people. You must be supervised by a guardian if you are under the age of 16. You can use them everywhere else.


You can not shoot them in a public place or where it could hit a bystander. You are not allowed to carry on in an educational facility. 

West Virginia

There is no law which restricts BB guns or Airsoft Guns.


You can’t carry them on school property. 


You can’t carry them on school property.